Successful Contributions

Mansoura Faculty of Medicine 1st Academic Accreditation Project

  • Albadry
  • 5
  • Mansoura Faculty of Medicine 1st Academic Accreditation Project


Mansoura Faculty of Medicine 1st Academic Accreditation Project

1st Accreditation project in my professional journey … was one of the most successful massive practical application projects … have worked with the greatest team ever in my practical life … we worked with a lot of challenges and enormous experience in how to change the world … till now I remember every situation we face as a team … huge hours … intense emotions … and finally success … God Blessing for everyone help in this success till now …

0Project Working Hours
0Project Tasks


Mansoura Faculty of Medicine

Project Location

Mansoura, Egypt


Project Date

March, 2008-March, 2011
project details

Project Contributions

  • Board Member in the Quality Management Unit.
  • Strategic Planning & Management Committee.
  • Internal Auditing Committee.
  • Emergency & Disaster Management Unit.
  • Quality Planning & Improvement Committee.
  • Strategic Management Skills 80% 80%
  • Professional Skills 70% 70%
  • Communication Skills 95% 95%

Success Journey

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